1. Frisk, H. (2024). Beyond the unnecessary self. Forum Artistic Research: Listen for Beginnings.
  2. Frisk, H. (2024). Sound intuition. Journal of Sonic Studies, 26.
  3. Catena, S., & Frisk, H. (2024). A speaker agnostic approach to spatialisation in electroacoustic music. SMC 2024.


  1. Östersjö, S., Frisk, H., Hebert, D., & Nguyên, T. T. (2023). Shared Listenings: Methods for Transcultural Musicianship and Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  2. Lindell, R., & Frisk, H. (2023). The Unfinder: Finding and reminding in electronic music. Proceedings of CMMR 2023.
  3. Pauletto, S., Selfridge, R., Hölling, J., Holzapfel, A., & Frisk, H. (2023). Connecting Sound Design Future with Historical Creative Practices: Developing Digital Tools by Modelling Historical Sound Effects. Forum Acousticum 2023.
  4. Frisk, H. (2023, June). Exploring an ethics of instruments. Vintage Materialities in Music.


  1. Holzer, D., Holzapfel, A., & Frisk, H. (2021, June). Sounds of Futures Passed: Media Archaeology and Design Fiction as NIME Methodologies. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. https://doi.org/10.21428/92fbeb44.b368bcd5
  2. Frisk, H., Pauletto, S., Baudry, B., Thomas Durieux, C. P., Gandini, E., Gustafsson, E., & Bresin, R. (2021). Sonifying Invisible Computer Processes. 13th Conference on Creativity & Cognition: "Creativity, Craft, and Design".
  3. Frisk, H. (2021). L’improvisation et le moi : écouter l’autre. PaaLabRes, 3.
  4. Frisk, H., Östersjö, S., Hebert, D., & Thuy, N. T. (2021). Studio Saigon: Telematic Performance and Recording Technologies in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Urban Research Plaza’s 18th Urban Culture Forum.
  5. Pauletto, S., Selfridge, R., Holzapfel, A., & Frisk, H. (2021). From foley professional practice to sonic interaction design: Initial research conducted within the radio sound studio project. Nordic SMC 2021.


  1. Frisk, H. (2020). Aesthetics, Interaction and Machine Improvisation. Organised Sound, 25(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.1017/S135577181900044X
  2. Östersjö, S., Frisk, H., & Hebert, D. (2020). Musical Transformations: Networked Performance in Intercultural Music Creation. IS THE VIRTUAL REAL? Musical Communities in the 21st Century PGVIS 2020.


  1. Frisk, H., & Elberling, A. (2019). Machinic propositions: artistic practice and deterritorialization. In P. Guidici & P. de Assis (Eds.), Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and Artistic Research 2. Leuven University Press, Leuven.
  2. Frisk, H., & Nguyen, T. T. (2019). Found in translation. Seismograf. https://seismograf.org/fokus/sonic-argumentation-i/frisk_thuy
  3. Skoogh, F., & Frisk, H. (2019). Performance values-an artistic research perspective on music performance anxiety in classical music. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 3(1).


  1. Frisk, H. (2018). ArtDoc - An Experimental Archive and a Tool for Artistic Research. In A. M., D. M., K.-M. R., & Y. S. (Eds.), Music Technology with Swing: Vol. CMMR 2017 (Number 11265). Springer, Cham.
  2. Frisk, H., & Elberling, A. (2018). Machinic Propositions: Artistic Practice and Deterritorialisation. In J. Quaresma & F. Rosa Dias (Eds.), INVESTIGAÇÃO EMARTES: A necessidade das ideias artísticas.


  1. Frisk, H. (2017). The archive that writes itself. Swedish Journal of Music Research, 99, 37–59.
  2. Frisk, H. (2017). Hell is full of musical amateurs, but so is heaven. Seismograf.
  3. Frisk, H. (2017). Varför interaktiv ? In M. Bunnskog (Ed.), Compoz. Audiorama.
  4. Frisk, H., & Elberling, A. (2017). Machinic propositions. Dare 2017.
  5. Frisk, H. (2017). ArtDoc - an Experimental Archive and a Tool for Artistic Research.


  1. Frisk, H. (2016). Vandrande ljud. Nutida Musik, 261-262.


  1. Frisk, H. (2015). Thinking in Practice. In H. Frisk, K. Johansson, & Å. Lindberg-Sand (Eds.), Acts of Creation: Thoughts on artistic research supervision. Symposion.
  2. Frisk, H. (2015). A Marxist view on the theory/practice divide. In P.-H. Holgersson & J.-O. Gullö (Eds.), Festschrift to Cecilia Hultberg. KMH publishing.
  3. Frisk, H., Johansson, K., & Lindberg-Sand, Å. (2015). Acts of Creation - Introduction. In H. Frisk, K. Johansson, & Å. Lindberg-Sand (Eds.), Acts of Creation: Thoughts on artistic research supervision. Symposion.


  1. Brunson, B., & Frisk, H. (2014). Building for the Future: Research and Innovation in KMH’s new facilities. SMC Sweden 2014: Bridging Science, Art, and Industry.
  2. Frisk, H. (2014). Improvisation and the self: to listen to the other. In Soundweaving: Writings on Improvisation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  3. Frisk, H., Coessens, C., & Östersjö, S. (2014). Repetition, resonance and discernment. In D. Crispin & B. Gilmore (Eds.), Artistic Experimentation in Music. Orpheus Institute Series, Gent.
  4. Frisk, H. (2014). Teknik och känsla. In Aftonbladet.
  5. Frisk, H., & Johansson, K. (2014). On the development of a dynamic research seminar.


  1. Frisk, H. (2013). The (un)necessary Self. In H. Frisk & S. Östersjö (Eds.), (Re)Thinking Improvisation: artistic explorations and conceptual writing (pp. 143–156). Lund University Press.
  2. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (Eds.). (2013). (Re)thinking Improvisation: Artistic explorations and conceptual writing. Lund University.
  3. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (2013). In and Through Music: Project report to VR.
  4. Frisk, H. (2013). Review of Kim Hedås’ Linjer. In VR årsbok i KFoU. VR.
  5. Frisk, H. (2013). Kuba 2001: musik, politik och den sociala dimensionen. In P. Berry (Ed.), If I were a Drongo bird. Lunds Universitet - ForMuLär.
  6. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (2013). Beyond Validity: claiming the legacy of the artist-researcher. Swedish Journal of Music Research, 2013, 41–63.
  7. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (Eds.). (2013). (Re)Thinking Improvisation: artistic explorations and conceptual writing. Lund University Press.
  8. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (2013). (Re)Thinking improvisation: from Individual to Political Listening. In H. Frisk & S. Östersjö (Eds.), (Re)Thinking Improvisation: artistic explorations and conceptual writing (pp. 7–18). Lund University Press.


  1. Frisk, H. (2011). Time and reciprocity in improvisation: on the aspect of in-time systems in improvisation with and on machines. ArtFutures - Current Issues in Higher Arts Education, ELIA.
  2. Bullock, J., & Frisk, H. (2011). The Integra Framework for Rapid Modular Audio Application Development. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2011.
  3. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (2011). Music for a Better Life. Improvisation.
  4. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (2011). The Needle’s Eye: Två konstnärliga disputationer. VR, KFOU.


  1. Frisk, H., & Karlsson, H. (2010). Time and Interaction: Research through non-visual arts and media. In M. Biggs & H. Karlsson (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts (pp. 277–292). Routledge.


  1. Cobussen, M., Frisk, H., & Weijland, B. (2009). The Field of Musical Improvisation. Konturen, 2.
  2. Bullock, J., & Frisk, H. (2009). An object oriented model for the representation of temporal data in the Integra framework. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2009.
  3. Frisk, H. (2009). Improvisation, Computers, and Primary Process: Why improvise with computers? International Magazine for Music New Sound.


  1. Bullock, J., Frisk, H., & Coccioli, L. (2008). Sustainability of ‘Live Electronic’ Music in the Integra Project. The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Proceedings.
  2. Frisk, H. (2008). Improvisation, Computers, and Interaction: Rethinking Human-Computer Interaction Through Music. Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University.
  3. Frisk, H. (2008). Improvisation, Computers, and Interaction: Rethinking Human-Computer Interaction Through Music. Lund University Press.


  1. Bullock, J., & Frisk, H. (2007). libIntegra: A System for Software-Independent Multimedia Module Description and Storage. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2007.
  2. Frisk, H. (2007). Interactive systems in improvisation and composition. A work in progress. Dutch Journal of Music Theory.


  1. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (2006). Negotiating the Musical Work. An empirical study on the inter-relation between composition, interpretation and performance. Proceedings of EMS -06, Beijing. Terminology and Translation. http://www.ems-network.org/spip.php?article245
  2. Frisk, H., & Östersjö, S. (2006). Negotiating the Musical Work. An empirical study. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2006, 242–249.


  1. Frisk, H., & Yoshida, M. (2005). New Communications Technology in the Context of Interactive Sound Art: an empirical analysis. Organised Sound, 10(2), 121–127.
  2. Frisk, H. (2005). etherSound - An interactive sound installation. Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Art, 42–45.

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