Program note (EN)

This work, commissioned for the performance installation Go to Hell in October 2013, is a reflection on the myth of the famous musician and poet Orpheus whose attempt to save his loved Eurydice from the underworld ends with fatal consequences. There are many different transcriptions of the myth, the most commonly referred version is from the time of Virgil in which Eurydice died from a fatal bite while attempting to escape a satyr. Another Roman poet, Ovid, wrote a version in which Eurydice’s death followed from her dancing with water nymphs on her wedding night. The moral undertone of this version is fascinating and opens up for different interpretations. Furthermore, then ending exists in several versions and with different, less tragic outcomes.
In this work we have superimposed the different versions but focused on the moment of Orpheus’ turning around, the fatal mistake that makes him loose Eurydice for good. Giving in to his desire to again see the face of his loved one, or is it perhaps his anxiety that Persephone and Hades have fooled him, is undoubtedly a big mistake? The video is a long ascending movement from the underworld and the original version with three screens made it impossible to see all screens at the same time. The viewer finds herself in a position similar to Orpheus’ dilemma.

Two version of the film can be seen here:

Programkommentar (SE)